How to stop worrying

The action I find myself doing when I worry, is imagining about things that have happened in the past, happening in the future. The more you worry about something, the better you can simulate it in your mind. You visualise it more and you wonder what it could feel like if you were in that awful situation. Well, I've got the solution, although it's a catch 22:

You stop worrying like you stop hiccups, you just stop thinking about hiccups.

You may roll your eyes or laugh when you read this, because you may already realise that worrying and hiccups have that same recursive property, in that when you hiccup, you think about hiccupping causing you to hiccup. When you worry, you think about worrying, causing you to worry, and so the vicious cycle repeats.

Eventually, you get distracted by something and stop hiccupping.
You have to do that very same thing with worrying. Distract yourself, get a hobby, see some friends or make some new ones. Discover the things you love in your life and just, forget about worrying.


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